Q. How is a referral company different from any other real estate company?
A. A referral company allows a licensed broker to maintain their license as active and receive referrals fees without being in a "sales quota" office.
Q. How much does it cost to get a real estate license?
A. For those wanting to enter the real estate sales field the costs are relatively minimal. The required Oregon Real Estate Agency course from a school such as Superior Schools, Inc. runs $295.00 or less. The license application is $300.00 which is good for 2 years. The fingerprint and background check fee is $61.25 and the exam fee is $75.00.
Q. If I want to work in real estate part time is a referral company the right choice for me?
A. Agents licensed with a referral company earn additional income from receiving referral fees. Since the agent is not required to be a member of a Realtor Association or local MLS, the referral fees earned equals a larger net profit. However, an agent licensed with a referral fee company cannot actively list or sell real property.
Q. I passed the PSI exam, but I’m not ready to start selling real estate. The agency said that I must activate my license within one year or lose it. Is there a way to keep from losing my license if I wait longer than a year?
A. Yes by placing your license with Realty Referral your license status is active. Active status guards against the unfortunate circumstance of missing the activation deadline with the Agency.
Q. I'm moving to another state, but intend to return to Oregon in a couple years. Is there a way to keep my license current?
A. Yes, by placing your license with Realty Referral your license remains active in the State of Oregon.
Q. Is it possible to make money selling real estate part time?
A. It’s possible but highly unlikely while working with a regular real estate brokerage firm, since the costs will usually outweigh the earned income. Receiving referral fees can be income earned without the expense and time of either part or full time work.
Q. Can I receive or give a referral to an agent in another state?
A. Yes, you can receive a referral fee from any active licensed agent anywhere. The fee comes from the agent's office to Realty Referral to you.
Q. Do I need Continuing Education hours if my license is with Realty Referral?
A. Yes. All active licensees must keep their 30 hours of Continuing Education current in order to maintain an active license.